2315 Jesse Street
Los Angeles, CA 90023
Opening Reception: Saturday, March 25, 2017, 8:00pm – 12:00am
with a musical performance by The Bushes at 10:30pm
On view through April 22, 2017
Open Saturdays, 12 – 6pm and by appointment
Would You Rather…
curated by Michael Smoler
Kishio Suga
Arlene Shechet
Paul Pascal Theriault
M.L. Dodge
Damien Hoar de Galvan
Samuel Scharf
BBQLA presents Would You Rather… a group exhibition curated by Michael Smoler featuring works by Kishio Suga, Arlene Shechet, Paul Pascal Theriault, M.L. Dodge, Damien Hoar de Galvan, and Samuel Scharf.
The title of the exhibition playfully summons the rationales that one invokes when engaging in the act of decision-making. Would You Rather… magnetizes the subsequent and varied outcomes, creating a spatial sense of intimacy and offering a multitude of perspectives from which to observe the predominant medium of the exhibition—wood. The dismantling and re-methodizing present in the selected artworks are informed by each artist’s curious antidote to the ostensible natural order of things. By invoking the inherent processes and forms of minimalist sculpture, color field painting, mark-making, assemblage, and installation, Would You Rather… imbues a scrupulous presence, rarefying the experience of the collective, site-specific nature of the exhibition.