2315 Jesse Street
Los Angeles, CA 90023
Opening Reception: Saturday, November 18, 2017, 7:00 – 11:00pm
On view through January 6, 2018
Open Saturdays, 12 – 6pm or by appointment
Lazaros, Wand, 2016
Son of Mr. Green Genes
curated by Patrick Kellycooper
Trulee Hall
Simphiwe Ndzube
Sarah Wilson
“Upadhaya, the choice is made, I thirst for Wisdom. Now hast thou rent the veil before the secret Path and taught the greater Yana. Thy servant here is ready for thy guidance.”
– H.P. Blavatsky, The Voice of the Silence
Son of Mr. Green Genes is the gallery space as ordination hall. Values, desires, and preferences become regurgitated, impressed in individuals by competing spheres of ideology. The Subject is born, not all at once, but through processes of acceptance, rejection, and sometimes by the rituals of “going forth.” With this, cultural investigation converts from individualist self-awareness to a search for the lineages of doctrine and interpellation.